

국내 바이오 업계의 21세기 선두주자

[jenabioscience] 7-Propargylamino-7-deaza-dGTP-ATTO-565

작성자 관리자 작성일 2021-06-17
조회수 17,517회 댓글 0



  카탈로그 NO :NI-1615-565
  제품 생산일 :
  원산지 :미국
  생산기업 :jenabioscience
  특징 및 규격 




7-Deaza-7-propargylamino-2'-deoxyguanosine-5'-triphosphate, labeled with ATTO 565, Triethylammonium salt


Structural formula of 7-Propargylamino-7-deaza-dGTP-ATTO-565 (7-Deaza-7-propargylamino-2'-deoxyguanosine-5'-triphosphate, labeled with ATTO 565, Triethylammonium salt)Structural formula of 7-Propargylamino-7-deaza-dGTP-ATTO-565

excitation and emission spectrum of ATTO 565
excitation and emission spectrum of ATTO 565



For research use only!

Shipping: shipped on blue ice

Storage Conditions: store at -20 °C
Short term exposure (up to 1 week cumulative) to ambient temperature possible.

Shelf Life: 12 months after date of delivery

Molecular Formula: C45H48N7O17P3 (free acid)

Molecular Weight: 1051.83 g/mol (free acid)

Purity: ≥ 95 % (HPLC)

Form: solution in water

Concentration: 1.0 mM - 1.1 mM

pH: 7.5 ±0.5

Spectroscopic Properties: λexc 564 nm, λem 590 nm, ε 120.0 L mmol-1 cm-1 (Tris-HCl pH 7.5)

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